Boerne Vision Center is committed to providing the highest quality health care and we can’t do that without you on board. I created this blog to let patients know the different ways their eye exams may be covered. Our team is available to assist you throughout the entire process!
Although Boerne Vision Center is in network with almost every major vision and medical plans, it is still the patient’s responsibility to be aware of their insurance coverage, policy provisions and authorization requirements. Insurance plans may reduce the cost of the exam to you, but sometimes it doesn’t! There may be high copays, deductibles, non-covered charges, and other reasons that our staff can explain to you. Boerne Vision Center will check your insurance coverage when scheduling an appointment, that is why it is helpful to have that information ready when booking an appointment. As per office policy, co-payments are due and payable at the time of service. For insurance questions, please Contact Us online or call during office hours!
Glasses / Contacts and FSAs
Typically only vision insurances have benefits to be applied towards glasses and contacts. However, you can use flex spending accounts (FSAs)or health savings accounts (HSAs) for these products as well. Most FSAs also fund for eyedrops and lid scrubs sold at our office. We will gladly provide an itemized receipt at the time of visit or we can also email a copy should you loose it.
Some medical insurances and Medicare will cover one pair of glasses after cataract surgery. Again, check with your medical insurance to confirm.
Military Discount
In honor of their service, all eligible active duty and retired military personnel and their family are eligible for a military discount! Do know, we can not apply these discounts to vision insurance benefits.
If you do not have a vision plan, but you have Medicare (Medicare replacement plans, or medicare with or without secondary), you can still see us! Using your Medicare insurance may be less expensive than paying out of pocket for an eye exam. We are “participating physicians” with Medicare, meaning we must accept Medicare’s allowed charge for services rendered if deductible is not met. Medicare will pay 80% of the approved amount. The patient is responsible for the remaining 20% plus any out of pocket deductible. If you have secondary insurance, we will submit the claim for the remaining balance after Medicare has paid. Please have your medicare number and secondary cards ready for our staff at time of visit.
Medical Insurances
Some medical insurances provide an annual eye exam. Our staff will be happy to help you understand if this is the best option for you. If you are unsure if your medical insurance provides an annual eye exam, please give us a call to find out for you or you can call your medical insurance and let us know! Even if your medical insurance does not provide an eye exam, it may still be less expensive to use it if you feel like your vision has changed. You can always see us for medical eye issues such as styes, pink eye, dry eyes and so oon, and we can bill your medical insurance.
Sometimes a referral may be needed from your medical insurance, especially if you have an HMO. If a referral is required, let us that you need a referral and who your primary care doctor is, or else the patient is responsible for obtaining the referral prior to the time of the visit. Some patients ask their general/primary doctor that they want to see us for an eye exam and their PCP will send the referral to us! Our staff would be happy to assist in the referral process!
Medicaid vision benefits
Did you know that there are dozens of different Medicaid plans? Boerne Vision Center is in-network with most Medicaid, STAR and CHIP plans, we will be happy to check to see if your plan is covered. Medicaid covers all or part of eyeglass frames and or lenses for children under 21, and sometimes even for adults.
Free eye exams for infants
If your baby doesn’t have insurance or Medicaid, Boerne Vision Center provides free eye exams for babies! InfantSEE is a national public health program managed by the American Optometric Association (AOA) through its philanthropic and charitable organization, Optometry Cares – The AOA Foundation.
The InfantSEE program provides a one-time, free eye exam for infants. The InfantSEE program provides a no-cost first eye assessment for infants within the child’s first year of life, regardless of family income or insurance coverage.
The free eye exam is performed by an AOA member optometrist who donates his or her time in an effort to ensure that eye and vision care become a part of routine infant wellness care in the United States.
How to Pay for Services
We currently accept Care Credit, Cash, checks, Credit Cards, Debit cards, Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Our policy states that payments are due at the time of service.

Payment Plans
Care Credit is a healthcare credit card designed for your health and wellness needs for you, your entire family and your pets. You can use it to pay for out-of-pocket expenses not covered by medical insurance, and special financing options are available that you may not be able to get with other cards.
Please check if you quality for Care Credit ahead of time to pay for your copays, eye exams, glasses and contacts! Boerne Vision Center offers 6 month payment plan though CareCredit with no interest if paid within 6 months.